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Showing posts from 2013

Why You Should Stick With Sports...

So I am a sophomore in high school on Perry High Schools JV team, I am almost 6 feet tall and knew that I wanted to play basketball in at least high school since I was really young, so I did what any kid would do and signed up for my local rec team. Rec (8 Years Old) Me at the a recent game             My dad coached me and we didn't win ANY games and when we lost, we lost bad, some of the girls stopped coming so me and a couple of other girls had to play the entire game which was just not fun when you were down 20 points with no chance of winning. So when the next year rolled around and my parents asked if I wanted to join again, I said "no" Fast forward to 7th grade year, I try out for the middle school team and don't make it. It was tragic, but I wanted to play so my parents signed me up for the local rec league again and I played a season with them and lost the championship game but still did pretty well. The coaches that I...

Catch up

So here's what has happened I started in 2 games We won yesterday By 2 points In overtime After being down 20 at the half which is a big deal(Tesla) I made honor region band like 4th chair or something, but still I exempted all my finals so Bye school peeps But I didn't get to skip Monday or Tuesday since board policy says you have to stay in school at least half the day participate in practice and games so this was me while everyone else was reviewing #I'mAdorable I went to a dance for church and my friend taught me how to curl my hair with a wand so that was fun, but I don't have pics :( But I curled it myself and it looks good if I do say so myself Not a great pic but still Well that's it for this post,  Peace out  Merry Christmas  Don't Forget to be Awesome, -Jasmine

Thanksgiving Dinner!

Today is Turkey Day! My mother decided that whenever her children reached their senior year they would have the privilege to cook ALL OF thanksgiving dinner BY THEMSELVES! (ok I did have some help but minor help) I love to cook and love to try new things so here is a tour of my thanksgiving menu. It started with a clean kitchen.... then cooking happened... I was all ready with my list and recipes.... So lets start with the Turkey! First I brined it- I brined it in some really fun things: Orange zest, Lemon juice, cinnamon, rosemary, mace, ginger and pineapple peels. Yeah mom told me to find a recipe so I look at a few and said yeah I can put whatever in so that's what I did! I came up with it, it turned out good.... thank goodness! I brined it over night! Then stuck it in a turkey bag Then I cooked it for like 4 hours Then we feasted on it! I also made Sweet P...

First Game and Thanksgiving

So this game I played ALL four quarters and got like a 4 minute break in the 4th, I was EXHAUSTED #MissedLeftBench #NotReally I scored 5 points, 1 shot on the inbound (2 points) 1 free throw(1 point) and 2 technical(2 points) #ShowingHowManyPointsForTesla #IMadeTheTechsCauseI'mWhite I even checked someone But we lost #ILovedThe50th and the varsity won so.. In other news THANKSGIVING The Perfect time to eat then watch TV/ fall asleep in front of the TV with FAMILY So if I the food that Avery makes is edible then I will Feast And if not then there's always popcorn Maybe I'll eat popcorn while watching Avery cook.... Well Have A Fabulous Thanksgiving -Jasmine P.S. Things I'm thankful for (in no particular order) AC (+100 in the summer here) Heating Blankets Clothes Shoes Jobs School Basketball Tennis Marching Band French Horn  Trumpets Parents Siblings  Sleep Books Technology Nooks Pandora Youtube Netflix ...

Cute Kitty

I love the cute kitty, but seriously I don't want to eat those Pringles. How long does a post have to be? D F T B A                         The little One o  o o e  w n'  r        e t   g        s     e        o     t         m               e


As noted earlier I play basketball But like I said, left bench My first game is tomorrow and I am excited! But I have to go to practice which is not fun 'cause I have no school and all I wish I could do is this Any way thanksgiving, name the turkey! (It makes everyone uncomfortable) #WhoWantsSomeOfBobby I really don't know where I was going with this post so DFTBA, Jasmine P.S. Look up Vlogbrothers cause if you don't you won't understand dftba

Don't tell me who to hate!

The other day, whilst using my time very wisely </sarcasm>, I came across this on my Facebook feed: This fills me with indescribable anger. I know it was meant in humor, but that makes it all the worse. You see, humor breaks down the walls of propriety. Makes it acceptable to suggest genocide. According to snopes (  ), this has been floating around for a decade now, but this is the first time I've seen it. To begin with, it's not ok to say that all Muslims are terrorists. Here, have some math: Perhaps my real problem with this is that it's become an intrinsic part of society.  In WW1, media told us the enemy was the Nazis. So we hated Germans. In WW2, they told us to the enemy was the Axis powers. So we hated Germans and Japanese.  In the Cold War, they told us to the enemy was Communism. So we hated the Russians.  Now they tell us to hate the terrorists. So, like the good citiz...

Percy Jackson 2 Movie&Book

Seriously, I mean movie book NOTHING alike!  Percy not hot enough. #HOT in books Clarissse is WAY TOO hot #Ugly in books Too much chemistry between Percy&Clarisse They DON'T know each others fighting moves!!!! Not enough chemistry between Percy&Annabeth They KNOW each others fighting moves!!!!!!!!!!!! Jasmine knows what I'm saying. Avery and Tesla read the book and watch the movie,or don't watch the movie. Movie: HORRIBLE   Book: GREAT        

8 fun facts about me (that random FB thing)

8 random facts about me...  1. I can never sit still, like when I broke my ankle I read 100 books so I wouldn't be just sitting there 2. My middle name is Joule, like the measurement of energy (I love nerdy parents) 3. I don't think marching band is a sport, don't hate me, I think that is hard work and that it shares many similar traits sports but you don't have the one on one competition that you have in sports, I still LOVE band (and basketball and tennis) 4. I procrastinate like crazy, I work best under last minute so I don't go to perfectionist on it and I hate doing homework at home 5. When typing or writing I tend to leave out words or just skip phrases so if something in this is wrong sorry, I also can't spell to save my life 6. My favorite part of anything is that I can get better, I love the fact that I can practice and work to get better   7. I love quotes, a lot 8. I'm almost 6 foot and love being tall So ther...