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Why You Should Stick With Sports...

So I am a sophomore in high school on Perry High Schools JV team, I am almost 6 feet tall and knew that I wanted to play basketball in at least high school since I was really young, so I did what any kid would do and signed up for my local rec team.

Rec (8 Years Old)
Me at the a recent game
My dad coached me and we didn't win ANY games and when we lost, we lost bad, some of the girls stopped coming so me and a couple of other girls had to play the entire game which was just not fun when you were down 20 points with no chance of winning.

So when the next year rolled around and my parents asked if I wanted to join again, I said "no"

Fast forward to 7th grade year, I try out for the middle school team and don't make it. It was tragic, but I wanted to play so my parents signed me up for the local rec league again and I played a season with them and lost the championship game but still did pretty well. The coaches that I was lucky enough to have coached an AAU (amateur athletic union) team that played year round, so that summer I practiced in an un-air conditioned gym and got enough practice and fundamentals under my belt that I made the 8th grade team, then the high school team.

But as I play, I have a disadvantage against other girls that have played for years and have that repetition, time and muscle memory that I don't have, that I would have if I would have stuck with it, so I would recommend to all parents or athletes that you stick with a sport for at least 2 seasons, so even if you have a bad season or a bad coach, you can still decide if you like the sport and if you want to spend your time with it because sports are fun and a great way to let off energy, make friends and get recognized for sports achievements.

I love Basketball and am so glad that I had that opportunity to play so don't give up your opportunity and stick with it, you got this, you might end up loving it and you will never regret it.

-Jasmine Webb


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