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Do we all see colors the same?

Look at this. It's green. We all learned it in kindergarten and/or pre-k. And this, red. How do we know how we see it? It's weird but HOW????????????  I want to figure out if you see red how I do. The first thing we do to describe anything is colors. Do we see them all the same? How would we figure it out? DOES ANYONE KNOW?????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Names of Children

I think if I have a girl I'm going her Lizzy, boy Nate. I like the nick-name for the name thing. Names For Girls Stephanie Hannah Zoie\Zoe Brenda Lindsey Candice Kelly Blythe Madison Nicole Jasmine Tesla Both (Boys & Girls) Avery Alex Names For Boys Michael Holden Dakota Jarred Kyle Spencer Adam Fred William Robert Scott Ed

Summer Book List

This is Avery.... pullin' a jasmine. Goal to read 100 books! Books I have read this summer Kelly Oram The Avery Shaw Experiment  V is for virgin A is for Abstinence Being Jamie Baker More than Jamie Baker Serial Hottie Chameleon Ungifted Sarah Maas    9.   Throne of Glass    10. Crown of Midnight    11. The Assassin and the Desert    12. The Assassin and the Pirate Lord    13. The Assassin and the Underworld Shannon Greenland     14. Model Spy    15. Down to the Wire    16. The Winning Element    17. Native Tongue    18. Fight to the Finish My Favorite books I have read..... not this summer though Ally Carter Gallagher Girls    I'd tell you I love you, But then i'd have to kill you    Cross my heart and hope to spy    Don't judge a Girl by Her Cover    Only the Good Spy Young ...

Bob the Builder (to correct crystal's ... LIES)

Pros - It is a wonderful show about trucks and building and all things little children.  - The theme song was created for this dramatic interpretation. #truth  (jasmine you know you love it) also this song.... come on - It teaches you to be awesome parents as well - I came up with a wonderful song about my love for it *see crystal post - The show teaches you how to be nice to nature and fix things (yes I DID HAVE to make is gif because there is a surprisingly low number of gifs for bob) - It has a awesome website... not that I go there or anything - The show has the BEST villains. I mean.... scarecrow  DON'T FORGET TRAVIS THE SIDEKICK!!!!! - even the rebels like it.... come on I was a  rebe...

Bob the Builder Pros and Cons ( Avery Suggested )

Pros - It's fun to make fun of! ( Seriously he CAN"T fix anything! ) -The machines are kinda cool :)   -The theme song is fun and annoying ( Pro & Con) Cons -Avery is obsessed with it -Avery came up with a song for it  Bob the Builder has a cow  Bob the Builder dandy  Not a cow that you may have  But a cow that goes  Moo Moo MOO - Avery Webb Conclusion Avery made it VERY annoying!!!!!!!!!! 


Illusions are so weird. They make your head see things that aren't there.They are VERY  weird!!!!! Just look at these-   D F T B A o  o o e  w n'  r        e t   g        s     e        o     t         m               e -Crystal :D

Lenore vs. the bear

Ya'll sit right on down, because I'mma gonna tell you a story. See this woman? This woman is my great-grandma, Lenore Field (married name of Smith).  Yeah, she's a boss.  Here's how the story goes:  Once as a teenager, she went camping. Well, pretend camping. The kind you do in cabins and whatnot. It was a bunch of teenage girls in one cabin, all the parents in the other.  Anyway, it's getting pretty late at night. The girls are chit-chatting about stuff (probably boys), when they hear a noise. Not some normal, peaceful forest noise or whatever, but the kind of noise that puts a pound of lead in your stomach. They look out the window at the dark shadow of a bear. All the girls freeze with fright.  This bear decides the cabin looks full of food, so he decides to come on in.  That's when he meets grandma Lenore. More specifically, the frying pan grandma Lenore swings right into his face.  At which point the bear does somethin...

National Sibling Day

Have to stick with them forever so might as well be friendly... y'all are crazy but worth it. I love you guys! DFTBA, Jasmine

Divergent, I saw the midnight premiere!

Okay so Last night I saw the 9:30 ("midnight") showing of.... First I will try to keep it mostly spoiler free but read the book, it's worth it... Now for the great, the not so great and the interesting P.S. sorry for the lack of gifs, the lack of footage from the actual movie means a lack of gifs The Great The Movie :D Soundtrack.... The music provided the perfect background to this movie, like seriously Acting.... these actors are insanely talented and made a great movie together Filming.... great job guys! The first words Theo/Four/Tobias said "What, did you get pushed?" after she was the first jumper :D The potentially unintentional reference to leg amputees made by Caleb (playing Gus in TFioS) The relationship between all the characters, it was pretty awesome  The diversity of the cast  Aptitude test, nuff said         The capture the flag game bullet things and the flag (it was a very pretty :D)     The roman...

My Busy Life

So what has been going on in Jasmine's life Late weekends with basketball #TooTurntUp These are my sisters and I love them!!! ('cept me and my friend were geting food so we;re not in this pic...) Cool stuff though, I have been captain a bunch of times. (Tesla this means I go stand in the jumping circle and talk to the ref before game) not really anything interesting said but still. Then I got some band stuff and have a duet #NoI'mNotStressingWhyWouldYouAsk But we are playing at a Kennesaw performance And at LGPE (large group performance evaluation) playing the hardest music Then I made District Honor Band #MayIPointOutThereIsAShotGunGoingOff The Awesome music were playing is on the youtubes so listen to it and be amazed DFTBA, Jasmine Webb